Monday, January 4, 2021

First Chapter ~ First Paragraph

It's Tuesday . . . time for . . . 

. . . First Chapter ~ First Paragraph Tuesday Intros . . . now hosted by Yvonne at Socrates' Book Reviews, where bloggers share excerpts from a book they have read, are currently reading, or are planning to read.

Happy Book Pub Day to my first book of 2021, The Wife Upstairs by Rachel Hawkins. I received an advance reader copy of this deliciously suspenseful novel from the publisher via NetGalley.

First Chapter:  Part I


Chapter One


It is the absolute shittiest day for a walk.

Rain has been pouring down all morning, making my drive from Center Point out here to Mountain Brook a nightmare, soaking the hem of my jeans as I got out of the car in the Reeds' driveway, making my sneakers squelch on the marble floors of the foyer.


What do you think?  Would you continue reading?

Husband and wife Bea and Eddie Rochester seem to have an ideal marriage, living an opulent life that makes them the envy of their neighbors. But when Bea disappears after a boating accident, everything changes. As Eddie begins a life without Bea, he meets Jane, a young woman from the opposite side of the tracks. When their relationship grows serious, unanswered questions about Bea's accident intensify. What really happened on that fateful evening? 

The Wife Upstairs is an unputdownable, suspenseful tale with manipulative characters who each have deep, dark secrets. Surprising twists and turns propel the plot from beginning to breathtaking end.


This First Chapter~First Paragraph post was originally composed and/or compiled by Catherine for the Book Club Librarian blog.  It cannot be republished without attribution.    



  1. I am getting my copy of this book tomorrow! I can't wait to begin reading it. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Oh yes, I would like to read this one after reading the description. Hope you enjoy it Catherine.

  3. Oh I have to add this to my list. Sounds great!

  4. I love the sound of this one- definitely sounds suspenseful! I would absolutely keep reading.

  5. Damn good introduction! I would surely like to continue reading it. I love reading and the time that spends with books is the most precious to me. Currently, it’s been a little hectic due to the academic pressure as I have to do my dissertation. But, I am going to hire a Cheap Dissertation Writing Service for my help so I’ll be free of this burden soon. This must be interesting. Looking forward to more chapters.

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