Mark Twain (Samuel Clemens), American storyteller extraordinaire, was born on this date in Missouri in 1835. Twain's name is synonymous with the town of Hannibal and the Mississippi River, which he chronicled, as well as with Tom Sawyer, Huckleberry Finn, and the many other beloved characters he created over the course of his writing career. Although his literary accomplishments need little to no introduction, you can read more about his interesting life and career at this link: Twain biography.
In addition to tackling the moral issues of the day, Twain is well known for his legendary wit, which has been immortalized in his many quotes. I have always been amused by his words upon hearing that his obituary had been published in a New York Journal: "The reports of my death are greatly exaggerated." Several of his humorous quotes are available from The Quotations Page. I highly recommend reading his musings on topics including banks, humility, Americans, courage, adversity, and duty whenever you are in need of a chuckle or mood lifter.
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Happy Birthday, Mark Twain, Literary Giant was originally published by Catherine for This post cannot be republished without express written consent.
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