Tuesday, June 18, 2019

First Chapter ~ First Paragraph

It's Tuesday . . . time for . . . 

First Chapter ~ First Paragraph Tuesday Intros, now hosted by Vicki at I'd Rather Be At The Beach, where bloggers post the first paragraph(s) of a book they are currently reading or planning to read sometime soon. 
Today I'm featuring an upcoming read, The Book of Dreams by Nina George.The excerpt shared is from a hardcover version borrowed from the library.
 The Book of Dreams 

Day One
I jump.
The fall only lasts a few seconds.  I can hear the engines of the cars above me on Hammersmith Bridge.  Rush hour.  I smell the city, the fading fragrance of spring, of dew on the leaves.  Then I plunge into the cold water and it closes over my head.  I strike out with my arms, gathering speed as the receding tide carries me with it.  Despite being more than thirty miles away, the sea sucks the river toward it.  My body has not forgotten the tug of the tide; it's as if I never left the sea, although it's over twenty-five years since I last bathed in the Atlantic.
Finally I reach the girl.
What do you think?  Would you continue reading?
This story features a very dramatic opening.  Reading the first line, I'm drawing one conclusion.  Reading the second paragraph, I'm not sure my conclusion is accurate.  And then there's the third one-line paragraph.  It's enough to keep me reading, combined with the fact that I've read and enjoyed other novels by this author. 
This First Chapter ~ First Paragraph post was originally composed and/or compiled and published by Catherine for the blog, bookclublibrarian.com.  It cannot be republished without attribution. Sharing this original post on Twitter with appropriate recognition is appreciated.


  1. WOW, this seems pretty powerful; I'm curious.

  2. Now that's a dramatic opening, pulls me right in! I haven't heard of this author or the title before, but I'll check out more info about it and see if it's in my library. Thanks, Catherine!

  3. I agree that the beginning is indeed compelling. And you think one thing and then another. Very nice, Catherine!

  4. That's quite an opening!! I want to know more...

  5. I agree it is a dramatic, and quite descriptive, opening. I love the cover too. Check out what I'm featuring at Girl Who Reads.

  6. Wow yes! At first I thought the narrator was the one killing him/herself! I'd read this!

    Sorry I'm late in commenting! Here is my Tuesday post.
