The weather has been bitterly cold here and we had two dustings of snow during the week, with more in the forecast. The snow has been very manageable--the light fluffy kind that disappears quickly from the roads and sidewalks. I don't mind this kind of snow at all, but I am not a fan of the arctic blast. How many days until spring???
Here's my second recap of the new year, which is being shared on these blogs:

Sunday Post hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer
Showcase Sunday hosted by Vicky at Books, Biscuits, and Tea
It's Monday! What Are You Reading? hosted by Sheila at Book Journey
It's Monday! What Are You Reading? hosted by Sheila at Book Journey
Reading now . . .

Downloaded . . .

Hoist on My Own Petard by Dan Harris; Agnes Grey by Anne Bronte
Borrowed from the library . . .

As Chimney Sweepers Come to Dust by Alan Bradley; Saving Grace by Jane Green
Reading next: The books I hope to finish during the month of January . . .

What did you read this week?
. . . What did you add to your shelves or wish list?
. . . . . . What are you reading next?
Enjoy life with books . . .
Weekly Book Recap #93 was originally published by Catherine for This post cannot be republished without attribution.
Enjoy life with books . . .
Weekly Book Recap #93 was originally published by Catherine for This post cannot be republished without attribution.
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